Christmas Day, 2013
One of the best parts about Christmas, is that the day always seems to last forever. But at the same time, it is always too short. Already we had looked through stockings and opened presents from Santa, gone on a little walk, and went swimming in the sea! Since it was getting late enough to finally chat with out West coast families, we called them up!
First we started with the 3-hour away Petersen family. It was so fun to chat with them. We opened our presents. Ross got a pocket knife - very manly. I got a beautiful pair of earrings and a pretty little wooden music box. Very girly ;) I LOVE them. They are perfect.
Next we chatted with my family. It made me a little sad to see them all there and not be there, but it was also way cool to have Rissa there, with ME! It is so fun and rare to have all of us talking together. I'm sure some one took a screen shot at some point... I should probably get that. My mom was really shocked that I hadn't opened the presents from them yet, so we got to remedy that very quickly. Mom and Dad gave us movies, Ross got new earbuds which he needed very badly, and I got some new shirts and a nice pair of earrings! Ryan and Jen gave Ross a really sweet baseball hat, and they gave me this too-awesome for words "moustachinonery." It is seriously I'm not even including a picture because this gift gets its very own blog post. Serious. My Aunt Carrie gave me some beautiful scarves and a super cute set of earrings.
My amazing sister (seriously, have you gotten that part yet?) packed down easily 100 pounds of goodies and presents from friends and family. I miss my friends and family so much that it gets overwhelming, but not as overwhelming as the love I constantly feel from them. My heart aches just thinking of how much I miss them.
Ross and I with the suitcases full of goodies. I said, "pick up your favorite thing!" I grabbed the bacon and of course he grabbed the peanut butter. How many different presents can you find? Haha.
The goodies included birthday presents for me and Christmas presents. My incredible sister (did I happen to mention that?) wrapped ALL of the presents for us! And to top herself, she coordinated the wrapping paper too. I am eternally grateful for my eternal sister and the sacrifices she makes for me. In general, and specifically on this trip. Pretty sure her house looked like a store room with all the boxes and packages that were shipped to her! Thanks Rissa. :D You're my favorite big sister.
So now do you want to see some of the presents we got? I know, of course right?
My friend Brigette, for some reason or another, reads my blog and after seeing this post sent me some paper plates. Isn't that the best? It's true that friends know you all too well.
Friends are people who continually surprise you with their kindness and thoughtfulness. People that love you unconditionally, and can show it in 1,001 different ways.
Kelli really hooked me up with some cute new accessories. And an ultra comfy pair of flip flops.

Brigette spoiled me with tons of nail polish and some goodies form LUSH that I really wanted.

The ever-lovely Pip got me some delicious Extreme Sour Patch Kids candies. They were shockingly sour. Yeah, sorry Pip, the first box went pretty fast, hence no picture. ;)
Here is Ross pretending to like the calendar I made for him.

I can honestly say that there has never been so many presents under my tree (probably any tree) at one time (there are even more than in this picture)! I can never thank you all enough for the amazing outpouring of love I felt from you this Christmas season. Having my sister Marissa here has been the greatest blessing I have had all year. It's so much fun to have here here for the holidays. It's always hard to say goodnight to Christmas, but knowing that she will be around tomorrow makes it a little bit better. Here is to 2014 and being closer to one another!
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