It has officially taken me three separate blog posts to write about Rissa's first day here. It was really pretty to see the lights on the Carenage at night, even prettier with pretty people there!
The Carenage is a pretty interesting place. From the looks of it, Hurricane Ivan hit it pretty hard.
From my understanding (which could be totally wrong) the Carenage was the cruise ship hub before the Hurricane. So I imagine pre-2004 it was much different.
Nevertheless, it is a beautiful place. And even more fun to stroll when the sun isn't beating down on your poor little body. Oh, and it houses Schnitzel Haus. Which I probably haven't blogged enough about yet. ;)
We just sat for a bit and enjoyed watching the soft lull of the water, the dancing lights, and gentle rock of the boats.
Whilst we were sitting we had a man come up to us and serenade Ross on a little (broken) plastic recorder.
Although pretty astute when it comes to a person's daily fashion choices, I would be lying if I told you I could remember all that our friend was wearing. I remember two different colored shoes, broken. A shiny hat, sunglasses, and a reflective/ glowy sash.
He "played" the recorder while staring at Ross, and before he left he taped each of our knees and thrice declared "Happy New Year!" I was, for some reason a little in awe and therefore tardy in trying to snap a picture. Also because as he was leaving, he looked back at us and let us know that be would be preforming downtown shortly.
Honestly, I'm still a little sad I missed his likely Grammy award winning performance.
After, we decided nothing could top the Ghost of New Year's Future, so we called it quits and rode home in this awesome reggae bus. It was a huge bus and we were the only ones in it. Well, us, the driver, and airbrushed Jesus on the ceiling.
It was a fun day, and before we headed home for Christmas Eve Eve, Ross snapped this picture of a cool Nativity scene on top of the Spiceland Mall/ IGA in Grand Anse.
Christmas is everywhere in Grenada. In America I think we are more concerned about being politically correct and cautious about beliefs, so you don't usually see Baby Jesus on top of the grocery store in December. But I think it is kind of fun.
Between Pandy, Downtown, and the Carenage, it was a fun and fun first day for Rissa.
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