I know that was about a week ago now, but every day I should be thankful. If I take even a minute every day to reflect on everything I have, it is apparent that I am so blessed.
Last year in particular, I heard this song a TON on the local bus. October is Grenada's Thanksgiving. It was fun to have an "early" reminder of how thankful I need to be. When I rode the bus and the song started to play, many folks on the bus would start to sing too! I thought it was so cool that they just wanted to belt it out. Definitely put a smile on my face.
"I am blessed, I am blessed. Every day of my life
I am blessed. When I wake up in the morning, and I lay my head to rest, every day of my life I am blessed"
There is your American Thanksgiving song from me here in the Caribbean. :)
Every year as the holidays roll around I think about gratitude vs. thankfulness. To me, gratitude is showing you are thankful. It's the action showing that, "yes, I am showing you with my actions that I am thankful." Being thankful would be, the acknowledgment of what you are thankful.
I hope this holiday season I do a little better showing gratitude, through my actions.
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