"Do you find it hard to understand us?"
Umm, you mean like to understand Grenadians? The answer, was no, not really. But sometimes, sure. I can't say that even after a year on the island I can understand every conversation that is ever being had. Surely not.
But the most interesting thing to me, is learning all about how to say what I want to say. Because in Grenada, people speakin' English, but maybe a little too English.
Like down here, you don't throw your trash in the trash can. You throw it in a litter
"Sick, why is she taking a picture of a dirty trash can?!" |
It's subtle things, but sometimes they make all the difference in understanding people. You get soda from the icebox, not the cooler. And when the Limes kids fight, they pelt, they don't hit. And when you tell the Limes kids to go play, they do so in the pasture, not the field.
When you go to the store, you push the trolley, not the shopping cart.
When you are shopping in the store they ask, "ya gettin' by miss?" And if you haven't finished something, you haven't "finished as yet."
Papaya is called paw paw, unless you are a local trying to talk to a white girl in the market downtown and you can't quite remember what those white folks call it. Then it is called a "paw paw...ya."

If you see, "No posting bills of any kind" stenciled on a wall downtown, you may ask the British chap on the bus what it means. He'll look at you kind of funny because how else can you explain it? No posting bills... like, "A public notice, such as an advertising poster" (thanks dictionary.com) When this American girl was thinking no posting pieces of legal paper money on these walls.
And if a random guy on a bus wants to have sex with you, he asks, "Do you want a friend?" Not exactly exchanging BFF necklaces.
It can be a bit confusing at first, you may even feel like you are in the Land of Oz. Especially with signs like this on the road.
You're just in a foreign country. And the good news is, you don't have to look very far before you find something familiar. Something to remind you of your old home in America, maybe even a trip you took, strolling down the aisles of Walmart with some lovely members of your community.
Because let's face it, curlers and atrocious panty lines unite us all!

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