Thursday, December 26, 2013

Boxing Day: Magazine Beach

I am a little shocked that I finally finished my posts about Christmas! I am not THAT far behind with the blog posts now. ;)

December 26th, 2013
Here in Grenada the day after Christmas is ANOTHER HOLIDAY! Boxing Day. If I really cared I would probably look up what and where it is from. A local I was talking to was saying that it has something to do with, the day after Christmas, families would box up goodies and extra toys, and drop them off to families that are less fortunate. That's pretty cool, I think I will stick to that one.

I guess on Christmas we never made dinner. Who has time for a huge Christmas dinner when your sister is in the country?! Maybe that means I am failing in the hospitality sector. Oops.

This year Ross's Christmas quiche was turned into a Boxing Day quiche.

Eventually we made it over to Magazine Beach. Since I never drive, I always forget the shoddy "road" down to the beach. Be sure to keep those tires on the tiny paved rows.

I thought the mermaid would have fun snorkeling. I think this picture is proof enough.


I wasn't feeling super well, I was really stressed and my stomach hurt, so I just relaxed on the beach and watched the dolphins Rissa and Ross play.

It was a bit overcast, but again, Rissa is my good luck charm and it didn't rain!

Everyone was on the beach, just relaxing and enjoying the holiday. It was fun to see everyone out. Having a cookout, getting plastered, or playing a pick up game.

After a while the dolphins came out and did some beach combing.

Moments like this, when Ross isn't held prisoner by medical school, and I have my bestie Rissa is here, I feel like I could live this life forever and over again.

It was a short, but fun day.  Lots of things get old here in Grenada, but these island sunsets never do.

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