Friday, July 25, 2014


I've been sneakily searching for housing in Southern California for entirely too long. Meaning, waaay before Ross and I even knew for 100% surety that we would be moving there. Part boredom, part need to have control over everything in my life, part curiosity. So now that we know, the search has become even more packed with anxiety. It is weird to me that we will have our own place. Our very own little home.

It isn't a secret that SGU gets horrible hospitals. At least, hospitals in horrible parts of town. The hospital Ross will be at is no exception. With money being so tight, I have been trying too look for reasonable housing. In case you were wondering, "reasonable" means safe and inexpensive.

Reasonable is not a thing in San Bernadino. At least not for little ladies like me that will likely be home alone quite often. How do I know this besides local buzz? The internet of course. I put some potential addresses into crime mapping websites to find so. much. crime. So much that you literally cannot see it all.

Most of the friends we have in the area live in the scant area in the southeast area of this map. And I am starting to think that we will probably live there too. 

The other stress is trying to find a strategically placed location where I might have easy access to employment. We don't have a car (hopefully soon), and so at least one of us will need to bus or walk or scooter or bike.

I don't even know why I am talking about this. It's stressing me out.

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