Saturday, July 12, 2014

Done & Done: The Step 1

In a lot of ways, this summer so far has been a bit of a bust. I had tons of fun, but it never seems to change the fact that my husband is still in medical school. The biggest fallacy of med school (at least for this spouse) is that there is a peak. Say, a pinnacle of difficulty.

I suppose there is, but mostly it reaches that peak and never descends. At least as far as I can tell.

Quick Break Down:

  • The past 7 ish months Ross has dedicated roughly 10 hours a day/ 6 days a week to studying for part 1 of 4 exams that comprise the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam). 
  • Even though there are 4, the "Step 1" is the most important exam, he will probably ever take in his life. More important than the MCAT he took to get in to medical school. 
  • Especially for a disadvantaged FMG (Foreign Medical Grad), the Step 1 is everything because it pretty much determines where and what you can practice.

It has been the continuing nightmare of this medical school journey. It's hard to explain or describe the emotional trauma but this GIF captures how I think Ross and I feel right now.

gone done

It's like this grueling, long, journey through battle, wars, and bloodshed. Grenada = Mordor.

When I dropped Ross off at that testing center this morning I felt like a nasty, sweaty, bedraggled Frodo- I'd seen too much. And now I was on the cusp of throwing the proverbial Ring To Rule Them All into the firey depths of Mount Doom.

While waiting for Ross to come out after the exam, I walked to the gas station to get him some victory snacks. And consequently found out I have a nervous eating habit when it comes to Cheeto popcorn.

Eventually that kid emerged, the weight of the world so obviously lifted from his shoulders.

I can honestly say it has been months since I have seen him so joyful.

When we got back to the apartment Ross had a surprise waiting for me. I went to check out this mystery package to find it was flowers! What a wonderful surprise.

Goodbye forever Step 1. I only hope that the journey so far will prove "worth it" and that the world is now a better & safer place with you gone.

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