Saturday, December 6, 2014

Nativities From Around the World

The older I get and closer I get to becoming a parent myself, I think it must be a pretty weird thing. I mean, my parents were people once. Scuba diving, volunteering, traveling, working, young adults. Then -they were parents. And have been parents ever since and will be parents forever.

Once you're a parent, your kids start getting older, then they become scuba diving, volunteering, traveling, working young adults too.

And sometimes they bring you presents.

As I was home this weekend for Asher's birthday party I stopped by my parents' home to see how the Christmas decorating was going. I got to admire all the cool nativities they have.

Some purchased out of the country and brought here,

Others made out of the country and purchased here.

Some made here and purchased here.

Lucy Bears
They have a pretty cool little collection. I guess I better travel the world some more so I can buy them more! 

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