Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nick's Donut World

Christmas was absolutely WONDERFUL! But after a whole day of pouring rain I was ready to get out and about. I love being outside and walking around, so Ross and I took a trip to our local "Nick's Donut World" on Dusty Highway here in Lance aux Epines.

Me, obviously excited for donuts, in my Christmas present shirt. Thanks mom and dad! :)

Ross with our donuts. Of course mine already has a bite out of it. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Nick's Donut World mural.

We walked to campus to check the mailbox for any mail, we knew to expect packages but... no luck just yet!

On the way to campus there is a boat yard. Is that what you call it? Just lots of boats chillin'.

Being in Grenada over the holiday break, you truly get to see a different side of the island. It is so quiet! Without the hustle and bustle of school and students rushing everywhere, you get to go on leisurely strolls to campus to check your mailbox just because! 

1 comment:

  1. I think that's one of the best parts- the quietness over the break. The surplus of students really do make this so much busier.

    I think this is the day that my brother went back to the states and we ran into you guys at the bus stop, no? :)
