A picture is worth a thousand words, they say; they said before Facebook ever existed.

Tonight I decided to go on a little walk to the close-by beach. Being a twenty-something in 2014, I took a photo capturing device.
It was a short walk, but after a few beach shots I got that terrible, horrible, inevitable "low battery signal." The bane of the 21st Century.
I had to sit there on the beach surrounded by beauty, without having a single thing to show for it.
I sat in silence and just listened to the calm of the sea lapping against the sand. I watched the sky turn bight pink and light green. I saw the hues on the water, yellows, blues, I saw the last rays of sun play on the water. I saw the cliffs and houses turn to silhouettes. And I thought of how indescribable it all was.
We take pictures to share what we cannot describe in words.
I thought of how that is a lot like feelings. We cannot use words, but we want people to see us. We want people to understand us. We want to share so that, we don't feel so alone in this huge universe. Sometimes we get real close to accurately conveying it all. But a lot of times, it's hard with #nofilter.
That's my life right now #nofilter. This is all I got. And all I got is me. Here in Grenada, alone in my thoughts, with my battery running low. Daily, I feel like I won't make it. But I have these moments of perfect stillness in my unpredictable life where I have clarity. Moments where after the battery is dead, I still have lessons to learn. The sun will still set (beautifully) and rise again. Even if I have nothing to show for it.
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