Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cut Your Losses

I am fully aware that I talk about food a lot.
It is quite possible that maybe... 75% of my journaling in past years has been devoted to explaining the food I consume.
And I am willing to let everyone know that my number one priority during wedding planning was a big, fat delicious wedding cake. Not the dress, not my hair, not the venue, the CAKE (can't even see all three tiers!). Just thinking about it makes me hungry.

I like eating good food, so kill me!

A little over a week ago I was geared up to prepare this meal I found, "Lemon Garlic Spaghetti" over on

I was excited because not only would I save money on a meatless dish, but I love lemon and it would be something different! I made sure to get everything I needed at the store when I was there a few days prior.


Come Sunday night when I went to make the dish, I couldn't find my fresh garlic!
I looked for it everywhere. I mean, my apartment is that BIG, there aren't many places where it could possibly be right?! Took everything out of its place, search every corner of the fridge. (@Pip, make you think of a certain box of Noodles & Co. leftovers?!)
But unlike Noodles & Co. leftovers, I knew my roommate probably hadn't eaten 2-5 cloves of garlic.
Frustrated, sweating, stubborn, and blowing things out of proportion, I decided to learn a valuable lesson that night:

Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and make Mac 'n Cheese!

Because it is more important to eat than to be a drama queen or gourmet cook.


  1. that's the mac and cheese we always ate in bolivia. this warms my heart

  2. aha! those left overs! I'm glad you made the right choice about eating mac and cheese instead of becoming a drama queen.
