Friday, September 7, 2012

Grocery Shopping is Hilarious

You may know this about me...

I have a strange obsession with grocery packing?
Mostly like off-brand names for things. For whatever reason or another it just cracks. me. up. Let's take a moment, for those of you who have been with me on this journey, to remember "cheese wow" (Dollar Tree squeeze cheese), or "patella" I SWEAR to you that is what it is was called (99 Cent store nutella -not bad actually), or the "Woman Sweet" slippers (who the heck knows where from).

Living in Grenada has provided me with wonderful opportunities to keep me laughing in this manner.

Ross didn't get this, so I guess this is the SoCal girl in me. But I just thought of a late 70s/80s surfer dude marketing these hangers. Like, duude! Of course I had to get 'em!

Don't like boring ol' Mac n Cheese? Well, how about some MAGIC-ARONI AND CHEESE! It even says, right there that it is "scrumpdelious!" How could you turn it down?! Not to mention the very brand seems to be called "MagicTime." My only question is does it come with a magician?

And maybe be asking for a magician is unfair, but here they have some incredible grocery deals. In the U.S. a deal is like, buy one get one free! Or save all these proofs of purchase and give us money and you can have this mug! Or something like that. But here it is a little different, and though some find it odd, honestly, it makes perfect sense.
Box of cereal? comes packaged with a box of milk!
Bottle of disinfectant? comes with a bag of laundry detergent!
Today I saw a bottle of wine with a scotch glass taped to the top of the bottle. Keeping things functional AND classy!

I even once bought cookies, that came with a free food container! Why not?!

To be honest, I was so excited to go back today and get more cookies with this killer deal, only to find they had NO free food containers nor kiddie water bottles, both of which were previously offered! -See, you start to feel entitled.

Probably the pinnacle of my love for this type of ridiculousness lies in my love for soda names. Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pib, Dr. Thunder, now I have a new one to add to the list.
"Dr. IGA" I think it is doubly funny because all the students studying to be doctors shop at IGA, so yeah... get it? HILARIOUS!

1 comment:

  1. I totally got the tubular hangers one! Maybe it is because I am a bit older than Ross...
