Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Address

I keep forgetting to write my new address!

Here in Grenada there is no home mail delivery! Students are allowed to have a mailbox on campus where mail is delivered directly to their box*. So without further ado, here it is. I am not sure how imperative it is that you put Ross's name on the first line (because I want mail too!).

Ross Petersen, 3089
St. George's University
P.O. Box 7
University Centre
St. George's
Grenada, West Indies

*I know everyone is dying to send us packages ;) and pay their first born child to ship it! Just a word on that, I was told that if you send it DHL or FedEx the package will ship directly to the school and we can pick it up there. If you send it USPS, we will still be grateful and happy, it will just go downtown and we will have to catch a local bus to go down there and pick it up. The mail here is kind of random that way. I have also heard FedEx sometimes goes to the FedEx office downtown. Who knows. 

Also, depending on the day we get to pay taxes and customs on whatever they have deemed important when the package comes and they rip it open and go through it. Haha. Not U.S. kosher, I know! I overheard the mail room manager telling someone all the different rates they have for items. Like a certain percent if the clothes are new, or nothing if the clothes are used. :) 

The cool thing though is that students/ SOs have family visit. And everyone is so nice about getting the word out so if you need something you just have it shipped to so-and-so's mom and they can bring it down for you. Super helpful! 

There is the address! Feel free to write away, right away (couldn't resist)!

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