Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Quote Wednesday #1

I have decided to do Quote Wednesdays!

I am a person who is really big into quotes. I have a quote book where I collect quotes. I love finding new ones and thinking about the meaning and how I can use them in my life. Some are deep, some are funny, some are cliche. But I like collecting and filling my mind with things that continually keep the wheels moving and turning and make me change something in my life for the better. I'm never static for long. It's a good thing, and a bad thing.

What I want to try and do is every Wednesday post a new quote and talk about it a little bit. Feel free to share your own thoughts about it!

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind"

I found this cute little nugget on Pinterest.
I like it because it is kind of a promise of what we can have, if we choose correctly.

I read into it like this: 
"There can be, far, far better things ahead than those that we should leave behind." 

We don't always choose to move forward in positive directions. Often, we might leave good things for poor choices, or poor choices for even worse choices. I don't encourage, but I hope that we have all made at least one bad choice, sometime in our lives. 

Because we can always return and move forward for better things. No matter how far we think we fall, we can still move forward for better things. But, it requires leaving behind something (sometimes someone) for something better. 

It is up to use to make this quote true.

*Obviously* I just made a huge change in my life, leaving behind lots of people, things, and ideas for ... hopefully something better. But it is up to me whether I have left all those things behind for the worst two years of my life, or two great years of my life!

I can choose to move forward and make my days count or not bother.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kiki, I love the "quote Wednesdays" idea! I sometimes put quotes in the shower by putting a sheet of paper in a gallon-sized ziploc baggie. The water makes it stick to tile surfaces. Anyway, I like trying to memorize one a week or so. Maybe I'll just start stealing yours! I think this one is a great one for me because I have such a hard time letting go of the past. I once heard someone use an analogy like this: "A rich, compassionate man walked up to a homeless woman living in a cardboard box tied to a lamppost. He told her that he had purchased a beautiful home for her right around the street corner. She had been conned by people before, and was skeptical of his gift. She craned her neck to try and see the house of which he spoke, but she couldn't see far enough. She knew that if she left her box, it might get stolen or otherwise disturbed. She tried briefly to untie the box and bring it with her, but the knots were too stubborn. Finally she waved him away, choosing to stay in her familiar cardboard instead of venturing around the corner to accept the life-changing gift that awaited her." I thought this was interesting because I often struggle to accept the new opportunities and blessings offered to me because I'm afraid to change what I'm already familiar with, regardless of how primitive it really is. So thanks for the extra motivation! I love you so much.
