What I love about Brigette is that she always goes all out for her parties! She had fun 90s snacks and treats and Lisa Frank inspired decor, and of course perfect 90s music. Aka the music Ross and I listen to all the time. As we were driving to Brigette's we turned the ipod on to the 90's mix and realized that it is pretty much just the entire ipod.

Whenever I come over I spend a fair amount of time hanging out with Asher, until he needs to go to bed. We played with his TMNT for a while, then some cars, then with Legos. I was talking about his minifigures and asking him if he remembers where he got them from, which admittedly, he does not. But then later when we were playing he was like, "Where is that guy that came with the Spiderman you gave me?" Made me pretty happy that although this kid gets lots of presents from lots of different people, Auntie Kristen's Spiderman Lego set gets remembered. SCORE! Also, I was telling him how much I liked his Yeti minifigure, then before he went to bed he said that Ross and I could borrow it if we want. That, to me is the ultimate stamp of child approval, letting someone borrow your toys. I love that kid!
It was a fun night, and the highlight was finally getting to try one of those cool character ice creams I was never able to get from the ice cream man.

Definitely opted for the Spongebob with gumball eyes. Duh.

Did I mention how epic Brigette's outfit was? Overalls, headband, white ked-like shoes, complete with scalloped socks! Also, she was rocking her tamogatchi pet on her belt loop. Of course Brigette would have an impeccably operating tamogatchi.

I am so lucky to have Brigette in my life. Her thoughtfulness, big ideas and the ability to perfectly execute them have always made me jealous in the best way possible. She is my forever friend and being her friend is the best! Happy Happy Birthday!

Whenever I come over I spend a fair amount of time hanging out with Asher, until he needs to go to bed. We played with his TMNT for a while, then some cars, then with Legos. I was talking about his minifigures and asking him if he remembers where he got them from, which admittedly, he does not. But then later when we were playing he was like, "Where is that guy that came with the Spiderman you gave me?" Made me pretty happy that although this kid gets lots of presents from lots of different people, Auntie Kristen's Spiderman Lego set gets remembered. SCORE! Also, I was telling him how much I liked his Yeti minifigure, then before he went to bed he said that Ross and I could borrow it if we want. That, to me is the ultimate stamp of child approval, letting someone borrow your toys. I love that kid!
It was a fun night, and the highlight was finally getting to try one of those cool character ice creams I was never able to get from the ice cream man.

Definitely opted for the Spongebob with gumball eyes. Duh.

Did I mention how epic Brigette's outfit was? Overalls, headband, white ked-like shoes, complete with scalloped socks! Also, she was rocking her tamogatchi pet on her belt loop. Of course Brigette would have an impeccably operating tamogatchi.

I am so lucky to have Brigette in my life. Her thoughtfulness, big ideas and the ability to perfectly execute them have always made me jealous in the best way possible. She is my forever friend and being her friend is the best! Happy Happy Birthday!