We have been looking for a couch for sometime now. Ross isn't convinced that it is necessary and I scout for a good price or deal, and then spend way too much time thinking of how we would get it to our apartment or up the stairs. I'm not a fan of thrift store couches, but if the boot were ever to fit, that might happen.
I keep trying to convince Ross but he just doesn't see the need. Me, as the perpetual lounge lizard, sees no other way to be able to enjoy relaxing and watching TV. Oh wait- we don't have TV either, so just movies and our empty walls.

This is Ross's solution to our couch dilemma -a folded mattress topper. Don't worry, we classed it up by throwing a white bedsheet over it.
One week in church I overhead two ladies talking about a couch. My ears perked up. Sounded like it was a situation where a couch couldn't trade hands because of one reason or the other. After their convo I intercepted one of the parties involved to get more information on said couch. Sounded like there were two couches being given away! For freeee. Surely I would be able to figure an arrangement out to get it up my stairs if the couch was free.
And so some calls were made (to complete strangers) and we were on our way to a couch viewing. An empty-nester couple from our church was moving and downsizing. They wanted to get rid of some stuff including a couch they had in a sitting room area. They said that it was rarely ever used and they just wanted to get rid of it. The couch, albeit heavily flowered, was in great condition! They even said that they could drop it off for us no problem because they had trucks and trailers, they just needed to pack up some stuff and drop it off in storage. We gladly volunteered to help them pack and haul. Then they had some grandkids come over and help. Everything moved along really quickly and before we knew it we had a bunch of punk-metal teenagers hefting the couch onto the trailer then bringing it up our stairs. It fit like a glove and we didn't have any problems getting it inside.

A thing of beauty!! They actually had a loveseat and a upright recliner that matched but we don't have space for them so we declined. But, they wanted to get rid of all the pillows for the set so they gave all of them to us.

So. Many. Pillows. So many flowers! Ross put one of our quilts over the couch to protect that lovely flower print. I'm not sure what it is about the 90's that made people think floral print was the coolest thing every, but it's pretty funny. I absolutely love our couch. It seems like such a small thing, but it makes a huge difference. Ross and I have never owned a couch in our years of marriage and apartments and moving and it's weird to be able to have a nice place to lay or hang out. It really brings me so much happiness when I see it. I hope one day when we have a bajillion dollars and 100 couches we can remember the simple life when our Flower Power II (Jen has Flower Power I) was one of the coolest things happening.
Needless to say Ross is hopelessly in love with our new acquisition. Good ol' Mister Anti-couch is a full-blown convert, I even witnessed his baptism as he took a nap on the couch the other day! He believes.
That was all really a lot of words for a few pictures so I feel the need to piggy-back on this post and redeem myself with some randoms.
Ross and I have searched high and low for the perfect and optimally priced turntable. You may recall our visit to Rhino Records. Well, we finally buckled down and made a purchase. I was eagerly awaiting the arrival but if came just after my Utah Trip.
Needless to say Ross is hopelessly in love with our new acquisition. Good ol' Mister Anti-couch is a full-blown convert, I even witnessed his baptism as he took a nap on the couch the other day! He believes.
That was all really a lot of words for a few pictures so I feel the need to piggy-back on this post and redeem myself with some randoms.
Ross and I have searched high and low for the perfect and optimally priced turntable. You may recall our visit to Rhino Records. Well, we finally buckled down and made a purchase. I was eagerly awaiting the arrival but if came just after my Utah Trip.
When I arrived back in Redlands, I couldn't wait to listen to the big stack of records I had waiting.
Speaking of the Redlands, I feel like somewhere, I need to mention the atrocious air quality.
Can't see the mountains that are right thereI?! Yeah me neither. Don't even get me started on the Stink Advisories that we have sometimes. Yes. You read that right. STINK, as in odor or stench.
Check out this pimped out bike. Nothing too special overall, but oh my those handles bars... turned it into a low-rider.
One of the benefits of living in Southern California besides the high taxes, would be having freaking Birds of Paradise flowers right outside your front door.
Since I love Guardians of the Galaxy so freakin' much, I kinda wanted to get a t-shirt. Don't mind that I had to find it in the men's section of the most wretched store in the world-it works.
Also found some cool leggings that I think will go well with the GOTG themed Halloween costume I am planning.
Ross and I have done a lot of afternoon bumming around but not too many legitimate dates. That is fine by me, but one afternoon Ross surprised me (the same afternoon we got the couch, so we were already on Cloud 9) and suggested that we go to this sammich and frozen custard place he found nearby.
It's a tiny place in the middle of an orange orchard, because we fancy like that. We got some sammiches and enjoyed the sunset. The custard was amazing and we will definitely be coming back here!
Thanks for the shout out to Flower Power I!