I'm really not trying to rub it in, but it's so much fun being near mom and dad and Ali. It's just fun being back in he States and closer to EVERYONE!
Even though us west coast folks are still waiting on cooler fall temperatures, that didn't stop us from a little fall lovin' this weekend!
(As I told Ali, I keep trying to "make fall happen" -it's just not working)
Mom dad and Ali met at our apartment and we headed up to Oak Glen to stuff our faces with all things apple. Mmm.
The orchards were kinda insane but thanks to dad's wizardry we got a super secret spot over by the Wildlands Conservancy. We just needed Ross Long Arms to hoist up this barrier so we could drive through.
V. I. P!!!
It was pretty busy but always fun to get out and people watch I mean, hang out as a family and sample apple stuff. But seriously, there were some grabby people. See below where a family started setting up enough camp chairs for a Mormon family reunion, ALL AROUND Ali.
We were at the Los Rios orchard and it was fun to look around. They have this table where you can sample all these different kinds of apples there were probably close to 15 different kinds. As one lady said, "I didn't even know there could be so many kinds of apples!"
Ross's favorite was "Liberty" which tasted like a Washington with the firmness if a Honeycrisp -Quintessential Fall with overtones of freedom. Ali's favorite was the Honeycrisp and the Winesap Staymen. Coincidentally, those were also my favorites! And I also really liked the Pippin. Mom and dad also liked the Honeycrisp, but mom had to go easy on the sugars.
They also had their famous apple cider for tasting, or if you are a grabby senior citizen, gulping. The "ONE sample each please" sign appeared to be frequently ignored. But I can't blame them. Ali and I were thinking if making moustaches to go back for seconds. In the top left of the above collage you can see an apple press, where they just super-smash apples for cider.

They also had some amazing homemade jams and jellies. Me, being a total sucker, made off with a few, including a mile high apple pie!

We got pictures by the little pumpkin patch display and after mom dad and Ross taking turns staying in the gnarly line, we had food! We got some tri tip and pulled pork sandwiches (with apple cider to drink). It was delicious.

It was a fun time and after an atrocious time waiting in line for the bathroom, we headed back down to Redlands.

It was a fun time and after an atrocious time waiting in line for the bathroom, we headed back down to Redlands.
I keep trying to hold back things from people who visit because I need excuses for them to come visit. But mom and dad had a ton of energy (from apple consumption?) and so we did some fun things around time before dinner.
Things like visiting the Smiley Library, and showing mom all the cool stained-glass in the children's section.

And the creepy marionette doll in this mirrored case that makes it look like a twin.

We made a visit to the bookstore in the library and there was this weird little kid that seemed to be following Ali around.

And the creepy marionette doll in this mirrored case that makes it look like a twin.

We made a visit to the bookstore in the library and there was this weird little kid that seemed to be following Ali around.
Also hit up a little nickel and dime style candy store. Before we got some macaroons and a cupcake. Ever since I tried them last time Ali was here I have been obsessed (note: too poor for addiction).
Then we came back to the apartment and hung out and had some dinner. Had some apple pie and laughed about old memories. It was soo much fun. I get so sad when I see mom and dad and Ali leave. It's good I love them, but I think part of me still suffers from Grenada where every moment some one I love leaves, I panic I won't see them again for months.
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