They came down Friday night, and we had some pizza! Pizza that I would learn would last for days.
Then Brigette and I made a late-night run to Target to try and hatch a plan for my upcoming Halloween costume for her party. I haven't been able to find hair chalk anywhere and she volunteered to walk around Target with me to find it. Such a burden, I know. ;)
The real fun started the next day. We had some breakfast then headed over to Scandia. But before that Brigette and I shared another of our many "BFF moments."

Similar glasses and twin clothes! You can't tell the shirt is lightly polka dotted, and we have the same exact pair of American Eagle jeans. I love it. But I had to change so that there were no accidental butt grabs.
I've never been to Scandia so I was excited at the prospects. We started with some mini golf. I wasn't half bad, but I think that was mostly luck. We each had some really great runs.
After mini gold we went on some rides. Including cramming ourselves into this tiny train car.
I love Ross's legs poking up and Aaron's legs dangling out the back. Most uncomfortable ride ever, but totally worth it.
Later we headed over to Victoria Gardens for some food and a brief intermission.
Asher getting creative in H&M. The last hanger was dropped in a panic when a bathroom needed to be located ASAP.
We ate a Red Robin and Asher wasn't having it. I don't know how that kid can grow so fast and eat so little. But I'm the world's most terrible aunt for sneaking a picture of him in his utter despair of "three more bites".
After we headed back to Scandia and went on some more rides, including the creepy carnie carousel.
Ross took Asher to play in the Arcade when Aaron, Brigette and I naively waited in line for the big roller coaster.
It jacked us up pretty good and left us all wondering how and when we got so "old." Yeesh.
We met up with the besties in the arcade and joined in the fun.
I love this photo of Brigette's family on this ride! It is from earlier in the day, and it turned out great. Captures the day really well, lots of fun!
Ross and I tried to go in one of the super creepy haunted houses but they weren't opening on time so we just gave up.
It was an awesome day! I think we ended up eating more of the pizza for a late night snack.
The next day was Sunday, which is always a nice day to relax and take it easy. We woke up slowly and went to the park to play around and lounge in the shade.
Ross and Asher playing some catch or something. Later that day I was hanging out with Asher and he decided to play with the bananagram tiles, or rather, make the world's newest and longest word. He had a great time lining up the tiles and asking me to pronounce the word.
I can't blame him, it was pretty ridiculous sounding. After that we did a cool dinosaur puzzle. I am always impressed at how sharp this little dude is. It wasn't the easiest of puzzles but he picked it up pretty well!
It was a really fun lazy day, but like all fun, lazy days, and especially Sundays, you gotta get back to real life, so off they went! But I already can't wait for them to come back. Brigette mentioned they might come in a couple weeks before my birthday, maybe partially because Asher was a little heart-broken that he didn't get to swim in our pool. :)
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