This week was another fun one because I finished my Kentucky (and Memphis) trip AND hung out with the rest of my family from Utah AND California while they have been in town for the Fourth of July. I have a few different odds and ends for this week's Week Wrap Up.

I can see the appeal to people to build out there, in more "wide-open spaces." It blows my mind that someday (hopefully soon) the house will be complete and full of family and friends.

In all my store wandering, I take pictures of the most random things. I leave them on my phone until I have the perfect weekly opportunity to dump them here. All in hopes that someone else can appreciate them.
Like this slightly hypocritical toddler tee. What do you think it is trying to say? I get the Seuss quote, but the "Brigham Young University" bit at the bottom makes me wonder if there won't be some unspoken angst if this little one doesn't end up attending BYU.

"You can steer yourself any direction you choose, but if it ins't BYU forget about it!!"
How about this screen capture of autocorrect that is a raving lunatic?

Chill out with the "haha"s, if it's extremely funny 3 "ha"s will suffice.
The longer I stay in Utah, the more pride I have for my home state of California. And since we all know how much I love internet quizzes, what a better way to test my pride than this:
An internet quiz to see what state of this grand nation I should live in. Yep. I got California. The second time I answered it a little differently and got New York. Maybe Ross and I should've put New York as his number one for clinicals. But maybe we will end up there anyway! I've never given the East Coast much thought for my future permanent residency, but I have had some friends say I would fit in nicely. No, not because I am cranky (they contested), but because I am a free spirit and creative. I'll take it.

Like a select few in the population, thrift stores invigorate me. It's like someone setting you loose in a store where a bunch of gold is hidden. It's just up to me to find it!! I win yet another round.
My mom isn't the "shopping" type, so it makes me extremely happy when we get to go shopping together. We find commonality at the thrift store. She searches for books, I search for everything else. I found this cute skirt with detailed embroidery.
And it fit! I love how it is so bright and summery.
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