As the my summer draws to a close I have the opportunity to look back on the cool things I did, and clean up some random photos on my phone. As if my "Week Wrap Up" wasn't random enough. This is like the cliffs notes of Week Wrap Up for the whole summer. So random they didn't even make it to the week wrap up.
#1 I have really enjoyed doing my nails this summer. It was something I learned from Brigette, and I turned into a nail polish monster while in Grenada. Here is my Fourth of July Manicure that I am super proud of.
#2 I have tried really hard to be healthy. It isn't working. Not in this state. Ross and I had been back from Grenada for a few weeks when I took this picture. I went to the store to get some nice healthy fruits. Everything was too expensive. Nothing looked ripe. I came back with two apples. That is all.
#3 In one of my WWU I mentioned how little tolerance I have for fake problems. Here is another one to add to the list. Oh boo hoo, I have to use different doors that I might actually have to use THE ARMS GOD GAVE ME to open.
#4 When I found out that this Dr. Pepper vanilla float existed I thought I was going to have a heart attack. My favorite soda is Dr. Pepper, but I am nuts for cream sodas, and root beer floats. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, so I hunted it down and found it.
I think it is just around for the summer but I will enjoy it while it lasts (just like I did with the Berries and Cream).
#5 Smiths is a very popular grocery store chain around these parts and this summer they have had this, "Taste of Mexico" theme going on. It kills me every time I walk into the store. Like they make a concerted effort to have fresh salsa and tortilla chips. Not only that, but they keep getting things wrong, its irritating.
#6 Pinterest is popular. This board is not.
The pun about physically pinning things to the board reminded me of this commercial.

#7 While we are on the topic of "How things work" I will share with you this screen capture.
I just love the top suggestions, Lots of important wisdom on the web.
#8 I was pretty excited to get a Justice League sticker from this machine because they were all pretty cool. You can imagine my disappointment when I got an Adventure Time sticker. Twice.
#9 When I was engaged I didn't share pictures of my "ring candy." That now gives me the right to spam you all with ring candy now. Every year I can have my ring re-dipped, and I love how nice and shiny it is when I get it back. It kind of took a beating in Grenada so I was especially excited to have it re-done this year.
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