I will be the first to admit that this hipster moustache craze has gotten out of control. However, how could I resist this hilarious Slurpee straw that make me look like a female Hulk Hogan?
It's the simple things in life that make me happy here in America, like Slurpees and funny straws.
That's right, I totally just jumped head first into this Week Wrap Up (with a Hulk Hogan gif). No flourishes, no explanations about my fears that the summer is zooming by now that Ross actually has time (<-- nbsp="" opps="" p="">
I dropped by Provo to pick up my sister for a concert. I went into her closet to check out these shoes that were really cute. Then I gaze up to see oh yeah not a TOTALLY CREEPY DREADLOCK MANNEQUIN HEAD.
You know, just chillin' with a microwave. I have no idea what that head has a use for. Everyone knows that hair is a nappy mess.
I don't know if I can summon eloquent words to describe how I feel about the fact that Utah is now having Baby contests. Everything is always a competition (unspoken or otherwise) in the state isn't it?!
At the end of the week we (thankfully) found ourselves out of Happy Valley and back to Ogden. I found this huge mug/jug/keg with a TMNT theme, a pac-man arcade candy tin. And we went with friends to see the new Godzilla movie. It was the weirdest thing though, I saw these huge CDs framed on the wall with movie posters. Wonder what that is about.
Kidding guys. I know it's a laser disc. C'mon.
While we were in Ogden we went on a small hike with our friends Matt and Heather, and their two kiddos.
We had some pretty cool views of Ogden.

And our course I'm a sucker for my sunflowers, where ever they may be.
Ross and I have been trying our best to take advantage of our Pass of All Passes card we bought for various Utah attractions, but with his free time so short, I haven't been impressed. We did, however, go to another Ogden Raptors baseball game. You can read about the last "away" game we went to here. Mostly I am just really pleased that I found an awesome t-shirt to represent. I love that the baseball stitches look like a dino bones tail. And it's tye-dye. Heellll-ooo.
As a new smart phone user I have been trying to entertain myself with apps. One of my favorite new apps is Quiz Up. There is an endless variety of topics and subjects, from Pokemon to Latin American History, to spelling, to Breaking Bad. You can never get bored with so many categories, you are always learning something new, and I am actually finding that I am pretty smart (in the categories that I pick). I have run into several questions though, about Grenada.

In the game you play against a live opponent so it can get your adrenaline pumping if your life is pathetic and this is the most exciting thing you do. But every time when I face-off on a Grenada question, I get it right! To them all those answer choices must be just irrelevant Caribbean islands, but to me, one of those was my home for almost two years.
Speaking of leaving Grenada behind, the biggest news of the summer came this week when we finally found out where Ross would start his third year of medical school! The school shocked us all by telling us earlier than we had expected... that fateful day on July 17th. When the news amongst my SO friends broke and blew up, I screamed at Ross to check his e-mail. My heart was beating out of my chest and I had a weird chill go through my body. It would be so weird to just finally know.
We are so insanely fortunate to have our first choice, a clinical center in Southern California. This round of assignments was absolutely insane. Many of my friends didn't get their top choices, and some didn't even get any of their top 3! This medical school thing is not for the faint of heart. It appears that everything the school told people about "oh if you have a spouse of kids, you will get preference," is a bunch of bull. I imagine things are just getting more competitive and it seems that this round you only had even a chance at California if you or your spouse was born and raised there.
What brought this up though, is the purchase of my new baby.
A super mondo, programmable crockpot. We bought this before we had the assignment, and I kind of like the contrast. When I bought this crockpot just a few days before, I remember feeling so much uncertainty. Where would we go? What would we need to buy? How would we take our stuff? Would I have a kitchen with enough counter space for this? And although many of those questions are still unanswered, it's comforting to know that at least we have a geographical location in mind now.
In other but similar news, Ross and I might need these for our future kitchen.
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