There have been many activities that I have been plotting planning before I even stepped on this blessed American soil. I love going to concerts and I was hoping that Ross and I would be able to go to one or two this summer. In my searching for a suitable concert, I found an amazing line-up!
Plain White T's
Goo Goo Dolls
Whhaaa?! All bands that I had heard of? In an outdoor amphitheater at dusk? And... the best of them all... affordable? I couldn't believe it. But the real shock came when Ross gave me the "Hell no." look. I thought maaaybe he would do it for me.

Growing up, sharing a room with my older sister has shaped me in the best possible way. People often are surprised to hear I know of and enjoy bands far before my prime. But that is because I shared a stereo with my sister and I happily stole all of her cds to listen to (sorry Tarzan soundtrack, you just aren't that hip). So after Ross's "look" I went running to my sister. I knew for sure she would be up for it. The tickets were soon purchased and we hatched a plan to make my mom and two other sisters come to the concert with us.

In the end not all were able to come, and ironically enough Ross came.We had an absolutely amazing time.
The Usana amphitheater was a lot of fun. Rissa had been there before, so she knew what was up. The seats are just a matter of preference/ poison. You get to decide if you prefer the alcoholics in the seated section, or the stoners on the lawn section. We were fortunate enough to be far enough back in the seat section that we didn't get alcohol spilled on us, but were able to enjoy some second hand baking from the lawn section.
Perfection. Almost. The most perfect part of the evening was still to come.
I was a bit shocked and appalled that Plain White T's were the opening act. But I was still so beyond my teenage-girl-dreams pleased to be seeing them live that I was okay with it.
I remember finding them when I was in junior high, on a site called Pure Volume. This webiste was my goldmine for finding new bands and listening to cool music. Like Myspace and a 2000s version of Spotify. That was my most visited site, and I remember falling in love with The Plain White T's, and following them. You can imagine my betrayal when "Hey There Delilah" was such a huge hit.
Way back in those days when tiny little Kristen could only dream about going to a live concert, I thought it would be simply brilliant to wear a plain white t-shirt to the concert. Because, get it?!?! Yeah I was weird even back then. I had a huge crush on the lead singer, Tom.
The performance was amazing, and I almost got weepy during Delilah, but the pre-teens who incorrectly thought that song was for them were getting on my nerves and I couldn't show my weak side. After their set I went to check out their merch table (although, c'mon, I already HAD my plain white tee band shirt). I saw some creepers hovering by the back gate to the stage. Poking through the cracks.
Pfffttttttttt!!!!!!!! What a bunch of wierdos right? Until Tom briefly poked out to say hello.
HOLY FAN GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally lost my cool in the most epic fashion. Not in a flipping out going nuts fashion, at least not outwardly. I totally froze. I couldn't move my limbs and my face got flushed.
Ross urged me to go over and say hi. I'm not even kidding, ^ that was me. I found some ounce of gumption somewhere in my body and went over. My mind was racing. I couldn't think straight. What would I say to him?! That I had followed him since, pre-Hey There Delilah days!? Sign my shirt? Be my best friend? Shake my hand?! HUG ME!??!?
My face flushed and I couldn't breathe. Right before he was going to sneak back away forever I asked if I could get a picture with him and in a hot sweaty beautiful mess of a side embrace, Ross aka best husband in the world, took this picture for me.
One of the most insane moments of my life. I was so overcome with joy. I am 90% sure I am happier in this photo than all of my wedding photos, or maybe any photo ever taken of me ever.
I think that is all I actually said to him. My heart was racing and I couldn't think.
That ladies and gentlemen is how you fangirl so hard. I still can't decide if I am mortified about it or just over-the-moon about it all.
I'm pretty sure ^that is how I looked when I was walking up to him. I spend the rest of the night trying to recover from that glorious event. Daughtry isn't my favorite but it was a fun set. Goo Goo Dolls were amazing. He puts on a great live show, all the chatter between each song was fantastic. I love when you get to see the comical side of musicians. It was epic hearing "Iris" live.

Can summer please last forever?
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