Saturday, April 26, 2014

Work it.

I have really gotten lazy here in Grenada. What normal humans do in a day, I can't accomplish in a few. I only work part time, which for someone in her mid-twenties, is not very impressive.

Thanks so much for that update about your super busy life... nobody has ever gone to work, the gym and made dinner in one day. How DO you do it?

But this past week I have really ramped up the workload. The research project I have been doing on the side of my part-time work is in the middle of post-testing so it means longer days, and more migraines. It means staring at my excel sheet that is so massive, my data wouldn't fit. I learned that excel has a maximum amount of columns/ sheet. That would be "IV" by the way. 

I'm very blessed to have a job here. They are extremely hard to come by, and especially for that reason I am eternally thankful for the opportunity. But I think what people forget, is that work will always be work. It will always be laughably miserable at times. Doing, and re-doing things. As you can tell from the above screen, there was a lot of fun being had!

Sometimes, and we all do this as humans, we just say things. Let me give you an example:

Person: Oh, you have a job?!
Me: Yes!
Person: Oh that must be nice... to keep you busy.

I mean... yes. But also, NO. Perhaps people think that pre-employment, I sat and waited by the door until Ross came home. 

This is SO how my Winston is :)

I mean, yes I miss him while he is gone, but I have interests, activities, hobbies, talents that I am more than capable of employing to keep myself busy. And I think I speak for everyone who works, when I say that: 

46 Funny E-Cards!! LOL!! OH yeah - I hung this up on my wall at work!

Saturday was a long day, 9+ hours of testing and data collection. It was wonderful to end the day with my favorite Greek Food Truck with Ross, and a nice sweaty bus ride home. :) 

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