Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Date Night

Wednesday Ross and I went to the movies.

I'm not certain if I have ever blogged about the one and only movie theater here, but its a funny little experience.

Recently the movie theater got 3D and digital movies (as opposed to reel to reel). So they raised the price of tickets, started charging for 3D glasses, and took away one of the 2 for 1 days. But on the plus side, there are movies that have come out in the past century.

It's pretty exciting. Almost anything is a big deal around here so this was a BIG DEAL. As in, we already have Captain America: Winter Solider!

Ross, being of course a big comic book fan was really excited to see it. If zombie 5th term Ross was willing to take a night off, I figured it must be pretty important.

I definitely didn't anticipate the huge crowd of people at the theater. Why I didn't anticipate this, I don't know. Usually I am much smarter than that.

When I thought about it for a second I got sudden clarity. 1) The childrens have two weeks off of school for spring break 2) it is 2 for 1 night 3) it is only the second week Captain America has been out 4) the theater is only about as big as a closet anyways.

We got our tickets and I attempted to get popcorn. Attempted because Grenadians don't really believe in lines and there was only only employee sloooowly dropping popcorn into a bag. Nvm about that. As Ross and I were squished on all sides by grabby patrons we tried to keep calm and think of icy glaciers to stay cool in that stuffy lobby.

My favorite part of the experience was getting the arm bar from the employee taking tickets who thought he was a hulk hogan bouncer. Dude, this is a movie theater. Just rip my raffle movie ticket and let me get a seat. I don't mean to be dramatic, but I was pretty relieved when I finally got in and seated. The ever-valiant Ross went to get us popcorn and a drink. What a trooper.

The movie was absolutely fantastic. I was really impressed. Everyone should go see it.

After the movie Ross and I got some frozen yogurt. They have a new flavor "Spice." Living in Grenada has given me a new love for all things nutmeg, clove, and cinnamon, so I loved the flavor. We got Spice + Grenadian Dark Chocolate yogurt. Along with some toppings like almonds, caramel, and white chocolate.

I love how happy we both look in this picture. I think the promise of progression, seeing the start of a new chapter, a change of scenery, has us pretty excited these days.


  1. You look really blonde in this picture! Is is all the real sun? I really need to see you soon

    1. My hair definitely looks more blonde in this picture than in real life. Idk, the picture looks like it has a weird filter on it or something haha.
