Since Ross had to head back home right after the wedding, I needed a ride back. I'm a professional ride moocher so this wasn't a problem for me and luckily my mom was happy to help me out. She is also off for the summer, so we made a day of it.
We picked up Ross to get some lunch. Back to our Greek place!

I tried to be sneaky and pay for the meal, but my mom nicely booty bumped me out of the way and paid. She is so sneaky, thanks mom! This time we tried an authentic Greek soda with our meal. I wasn't a fan. But hey it was fun to try.
At the thrift shop we found a cage full of books. And consequently wondered how much dad would kill us if mom brought the whole flat home.
What's the percentage of good viable books in this cage?
We made a stop at Kmart to find some killer deals on clothing that we would never wear nor fit.
LBD. Large black dress. Would that be flattering on anyone over 100 pounds?
From one air conditioned building to another, we hopped over to the library in hopes of finding something amazing at the silent book auction or friends of the library store.
How about this thousand year old bible. I like how it's just chillin. Shouldn't this be in a museum somewhere?!
It's been insanely hot here. Even my watered rosebush is curling up and giving up.
We tried to spend as much time as possible in cool air conditioned buildings. But since my mom was finally here on a Thursday, I really wanted to take her to our Farmer's Market.
First to the kitties. I NEED them all. This little orange cat was loving Ross.
The kitties on the bottom right look like a cage full of little tigers. NEED.
We walked around for a bit. Trying some pizza and the only place that offers smoothies. I hope they make a million dollars because that is just smart. We didn't quite make it to the car though. We needed to stop in another air conditioned building. Luckily it was a bakery.
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