The event spans two weekends and is at a fancy resort in Cherry Valley. It was just under a half hour drive. Very close!

There were a couple fields of lavender, and about a billion more people taking selfies. The bees were particularly enjoying all the blossoms.
The farm produces a variety of lavender products and there were lots of other vendors there too. Arts, crafts, food. The lavender cheesecake and lavender lemonade sounded pretty interesting.
I honestly have no idea where I found the courage to NOT walk about with a huge bottle of this-makes-your-skin-the-softest-skin-ever lotion, bath bombs, and olive oil.
The olive oil was particularly delicious. They prepared samples on little pieces of bread. I don't mean to be disgusting, but I was tempted to drink it. Yes! OLIVE OIL. What in the world is wrong with me?
Since the vendors were all artsy and hipster we decided to follow suit and take pictures in a field that wasn't quite as violaceous (no, I don't know if that works. yes, I looked up synonyms for 'lavender').
The rabbit was actually by a yarn vendor but I decided it was a petting zoo annex because how can you resist something that insanely fluffy?
Me: Ross, go peek out from behind those pots of lavender.
Roos: *just goes with it*
Omg, stawwwp, we are so cute.
After the event we stopped by this place we always see on our way out to places like Joshua Tree and Palm Springs (and Idylwild and Niland).
For as many times as we passed it and as much comfort food it appeared, it didn't quite live up to expectations. We tried to redeem the meal by getting a slice of pie to go, probably shouldn't have.
But anyways, it was a fun (and sunny) day and always fun to try new things.
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