The past few weekends have held nothing too specific for Ross and I. A spontaneous trip to Palmdale, relaxing, and Ross working. I don't mind aimless weekends, but Ross was hungry for something a little more. He had to be to the hospital at some insane hour like 4:30 or 5am, but that meant he was home early too. We were out running some errands when something came up about Cabazon and Ross jumped at the opportunity to get out of town.
The trip took even less time than we thought and we rolled up to these new friends.
We walked around for a bit taking pictures and being silly.
Then we wandered over to:

Which sounds pretty fantastical, but we were pretty put-off by the $9 charge to get in.

Which sounds pretty fantastical, but we were pretty put-off by the $9 charge to get in.
Ross was all for it though and convinced me that we should probably do it. And I am really glad he did.

Thankfully it wasn't too hot, so it was fun to walk around and see all the dinosaurs in their little lush habitats.
With all of the intentional vegetation, you might now even realize the desolation that surrounds the dino enclosure.

Barbed wire... to keep the dinosaurs in? Or the people out?! dun dun dunnnn!!! Ross and I maybe got a little too into hanging out with our tackily painted prehistoric friends.

We even got to climb up into the belly of the beast... a T-REX!!!
Afterwards we wandered back over to the entrance where there was a gift shop with the famed robot dinosaurs. Good thing, because robot dinosaurs are about the only thing that might be cooler than hanging out in the jaws of a T-Rex.
Maybe not as cool as the over-sized-metal-robot-dinosaurs-that-take-over-the-earth, I had imagined when I heard about it, but nevertheless interesting.
In the gift shop they also had this egg you can crawl into and hatch out of, AT YOUR OWN RISK.

So of course, we had to hatch.

The gift shop houses, perhaps, the largest collection of dinosaur-themed trinkets and toys ever.

But my favorite part was this: The opportunity to ride a dilophosaurus, complete with saddle. I love the disclaimer, "NO RIDERS OVER 80lbs."dangit. Wonder how many middle-aged men they had to turn away before they put that up.
As you leave Mr. Rex's Dinosaur Adventure (and any hopes of getting your money's worth/ back) you pass the T-Rex you should've climbed in and approach an apatosaurous.
Not surprisingly ...also a gift shop. But it had some cool history and even a few fossils.
Judging by the pictures you might think we spent a few days there but really I just wanted my $9 ($18) dollars-worth of dino adventure. Check!
After we had sufficiently acted like 4th graders on a chicken-bone-fossil-dig we drove over to the Cabazon Outlets. First: Dinosaur billboard murals.
We would eventually find out that the Cabazon Outlet features what feels like a half-marathon's worth of miles of high-end shops.
So quite naturally I went all out with a $5 skirt purchase at Charlotte Russe.

And Ross went all out with a $20 all leather reversible belt which is only like 2 years past-due. We like to live life on the edge. We spent the rest of the day in and out of shops that maybe someday will be a thing in our life, but mostly just walking til our feet fell off.
On our way home we decided to try The Fat Greek in Yucaipa (thanks The food was delicious and I started having the most wonderful flash backs to this time in my life. Definitely a place I would go back too! Mmmm. Lamb.
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