Week Wrap Up: All the News that Wasn't Fit to Print - yet!
A lot has gone on in my life this week, or at least more than usual. Ha! Sunday I was in Grenada, then Miami, then Los Angeles, then Utah. Utah for a few days, lightning round of seeing who I could see before I flew out to Los Angeles.
#1 Back in good ol' Palmdale. The clearance section had these classy moustaches that some one had obviously stole a few of. Like that is what you do? You steal little adhesive furry moustaches?! Geez.
#2 As we were driving in The Valley we saw this creepy yard with a "Yard Sale" sign. No one outside though... You can't quite see from the pictures but that is a super creepy Santa that is all dilapidated and freaky looking.
#3 My parent's cat, Synge is pretty bad@$$. Last year the family dog died, and now Synge feels it is his responsibility to patrol the yards. He is taking it very seriously and chases off the neighborhood cats. You might be able to tell that his ears are perked and his fur is on end. I made this awesome video of him growling at a cat in the yard.
#4 Kristen's Kulinary Adventures Kontinues! It seems the thing I have most been enthralled with since being back in America is the food, glorious food. My parents took me out to eat at Sharky's and when the chips and guacamole came to our table, I almost began to weep. The tortilla chip obsession continues.
#5 I was so impressed with the Skirball Center's "Noah's Ark" exhibit that I had to sneak in one more photo. Here all the animals are hanging out in the ark.
#6 Coming back to my parent's house is like living in a gold mine! It is really fun to see all my old stuff; pictures of me and dad doing the Chicken Dance at a school Daddy Daughter event, half-finished school projects, and playing around on the piano with some of the hundreds of sheet music we have lying around.
#7 Friday I was complaining to my mom about wanting fresh strawberries. She mentioned that we should go up to Ventura to get some fresh fruit the next day. THEN a couple hours later my dad come in with a flat of fresh strawberries, a bag of cherries, and blueberries! Amazing.
#8 I don't know why I felt the need to take this, but sitting at a red light, looking a a huge Dr. Pepper wrap on a bus just made me happy.
#9 Tuesday I got to hang out with my infinitely cool big brother. I have missed him a ton while I have been gone. He took the day off to hang out with me and I feel seriously so blessed to get to spend time with him! <3 br=""> 3>

It's been a great week back in the USA and I can't wait for all the adventures this summer holds.
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