When Dad and I came home from Blue Sky Meadow we went out to eat at Irene's Burger's Cafe.
It is a really cool place in an unlikely location. It reminds me of a small town diner, where old dudes go to read their newspapers and have tabs. I could definitely tell that some of the customers were exactly that type. As pictured above, dad got a stuffed pepper. My mom got an amazing Monte Cristo sandwich. I got a french dip sandwich. Part of the fun diner/ dinner experience was the waitress flirting with my dad, and of course your classic Palmdale patrons. Like this 6'5", 300 pound bald guy walking in with a damp washcloth on his head, breathlessly asking the waitress to turn up the air.
I know it is hot outside, I guess just whatever keeps you cool, sans style?
The shopping plaza with this cafe is largely deserted. Huge stores that are just empty. I guess one of these used-to-be-warehouses is now a bingo playing arena.
Bingo ladies.
And I didn't even set foot in there. But I saw them all hauling their huge bingo bags, 10 different color-coded bingo markers, and bags of Carl's Jr. into the battlegrounds. There were a bunch of crummy plastic chairs outside where they could all get in their smoke break between games. Complete with a huge bouncer and security guard.
The games had already begun, so I was only able to capture a late-comer.
I just love the un-marked, sketchy nature of the ordeal. Always keeping it classy.
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