This brings me ultimate JOY. I'm kind of a pack rat. I blame it on never having much money, so I tend to hold on to things I have already acquired/ purchased. This results is lots of used, abused, and old items. But here in Grenada I get to ditch it all. It can be frustrating trying to sell it all, and arrange to meet people, but ultimately, the end feeling of being "free" really trumps it all.
I am the world's worst packer. I hate moving and it tends to cause lots of drama in my little home. Knowing this, I made myself start very early this time.
This is a fancy way of saying "I destroyed the apartment by pulling everything out of corners and drawers and closets and threw them around."
But it is just all part of the process:
So watch this video from (this time) 2:07.
In high school we rarely had the luxury of watching the videos, but every unit had a photo-strip version of the story. The last frame was always super dramatic. I am pretty sure the last frame looked pretty much exactly like my photo collage above. Since some many of us Widdison kids read the same hilarious re-occuring antics of crazy Paco, it became a joke. And before long "Paco! Tu cuarto es un desastre!" became a household phrase.
The past week has been filled with attending many of the "yard sales" SGU organizations hold. 5th term sales, SO sales, etc. Thank goodness for Ross who, despite his busy schedule, has hauled the stuff on and off buses, across campus, and so on. He sat at the 5th term sale for about 5 hours and sold a bunch of our stuff. What a stud! Tuesday was the SO sale, and we tried our best to get rid of everything! Even giving a lot of it away for free. All I knew was that I was not going to bring that back to the apartment.
Patty definitely had all the best stuff to sell. Everyone flocked to her items! I snapped a photo.
Ross and I have gathered some pretty priceless stories from our hours of sitting trying to hustle our stuff.
Story #1
A man walked by and I greeted him.
The next two come from Ross.
Story #2
This woman comes by our table and looks at this sports bra we were selling. This thing is tiny. I mean, it didn't even fit me. Ross says that the woman in general was twice my size and had ginormous boobs. She picks up the bra, asks the price. At first I figured she was probably buying for a daughter or friend or something. But then she says, "This would be perfect for exercising!" and buys it. I'm not sure she knows you buy one for both, not one for each.
Story #3
When you buy cell phones down here you often get cheap "swag." Like bandanas, bags, or water bottles. We had a water bottle we figured we could try and sell for maybe $2 EC. That is approximately 74 cents. So a lady picks up the bottle and talks to Ross:
Story #4
This story is the opposite of Story #3 and for that reason, it is that much more funny. By this point I am ready to just run away and leave my pile in the middle of the field. This lady picks up some Dollar Tree-esque item:
But it is just all part of the process:
I'm currently in the red/orange phase.
If you don't get the reference, and you never had the privilege of this beauty in high school.

If you don't get the reference, and you never had the privilege of this beauty in high school.
So watch this video from (this time) 2:07.
The past week has been filled with attending many of the "yard sales" SGU organizations hold. 5th term sales, SO sales, etc. Thank goodness for Ross who, despite his busy schedule, has hauled the stuff on and off buses, across campus, and so on. He sat at the 5th term sale for about 5 hours and sold a bunch of our stuff. What a stud! Tuesday was the SO sale, and we tried our best to get rid of everything! Even giving a lot of it away for free. All I knew was that I was not going to bring that back to the apartment.
Patty definitely had all the best stuff to sell. Everyone flocked to her items! I snapped a photo.
Ross and I have gathered some pretty priceless stories from our hours of sitting trying to hustle our stuff.
Story #1
A man walked by and I greeted him.
Me: *gesturing my sale items* Do you see anything that you like?It took a minute to process that he was hitting on me. I was laughing pretty hard and turned pretty red. Never a dull moment.
Man: *laughs* Yes, but *gestures to Ross* I think ya boyfriend would be vexed if I said!
The next two come from Ross.
Story #2
This woman comes by our table and looks at this sports bra we were selling. This thing is tiny. I mean, it didn't even fit me. Ross says that the woman in general was twice my size and had ginormous boobs. She picks up the bra, asks the price. At first I figured she was probably buying for a daughter or friend or something. But then she says, "This would be perfect for exercising!" and buys it. I'm not sure she knows you buy one for both, not one for each.
Story #3
When you buy cell phones down here you often get cheap "swag." Like bandanas, bags, or water bottles. We had a water bottle we figured we could try and sell for maybe $2 EC. That is approximately 74 cents. So a lady picks up the bottle and talks to Ross:
Lady: How much for the bottle? $1?So why would you ask to pay $1 in the first place?! Haha. So funny. I swear some people just want to mess with you.
Ross: Well, $2.
Lady: (absolutely disgusted, throws the bottle down) I COULD GET THIS FOR FREE!!!
Story #4
This story is the opposite of Story #3 and for that reason, it is that much more funny. By this point I am ready to just run away and leave my pile in the middle of the field. This lady picks up some Dollar Tree-esque item:
Lady: $1!Luckily I sold a lot of my stuff to my co-workers and besides that we don't have much to get rid of. Ross and I are both at peace with what we have sold. There is a certain amount of loss that you have to expect, and it isn't a big deal. Certainly not something to lose sleep over. Here's to 10 DAYS!
Me: Sure.
Lady: (looks at me disgusted) REALLY?!
Me: Yes.
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