Thursday, November 7, 2013

You Learn Something New Everyday...

Being the Significant Other of a medical student is tough sometimes. All of a sudden you are signed up for all sorts of nasty things you never wanted to be a part of.

I talked before about cadaver pictures on my Kindle and Glycolosis all over my mirror.

With Ross being in 4th term now, he is every so often responsible for "Doing Slides." I try not to ask questions, and he isn't around much to clarify but from what I gather this has something to do with putting pictures of stuff and words of what the stuffs are. It's obviously all very technical to me.

This evening I go to the computer Start menu and I'm minding my own business looking for the Fotor app to collage up some pictures.

But before I find Fotor. I find, "NOT FREAKIN' FOTOR." Please refer to Exhibit A.

Exhibit A 

Sorry, is Exhibit A a little too small? Does it not take up your WHOLE computer screen?!

Please refer to Exhibit B.

Exhibit B

Thanks medStudentHusband, because without you I would never have a cute little snapshot thumbnail of your slides for what appear to be the, "Clinical features of Graves disease," (every time I open the Start menu).  And because of you, I will not be able to close my eyes at night because Clinical-features-of-Graves-disease-women will be there staring at me.

1 comment:

  1. That woman is so scary- and that leg? nightmare city!! :(
