Look how cute I am with my alliteration! It's like I am a real blogger but alliteration-inconsistent and post-sparse).
I think most people love music. I know that I do. Music is a funny thing. Whenever I ref something, or comment on what I like to listen to, 90% of the time get this answer,
"Hmm, I didn't peg you as someone who would listen to that."
It's said in a matter-of-fact, almost puzzled tone. It makes me laugh because well, what had you thought I listened too? How did I completely blow your mind?! Haha.
Anyways, here is Music Monday where I share a song that maybe I like or love. Maybe it is catchy, maybe it is a long lost love, or a recent find. Maybe it's shallow, maybe it's deep. Who knows!
Today is a song from one of my favorite bands, but I had never heard it before!! Thanks Xbox music radio thing. Unfortunately blogger isn't cooperating so I'm going old-fashioned with a simple link:
It's from the band Suburban Legends, which, c'mon, is an awesome name. They are a ska band, way cool and fun. Tons of energy (duh), and incredible live! This tune is for audiences of all ages (enjoy it while it lasts! ;). Just listening to it make me so happy.
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