Recently she posted about a new project she is starting, "101 Things in 1001 Days." She had told me the concept before, but then she made her list and started (whaaa? carrying out ideas with goals and responsibility for finishing?!)! Crazy, I know. And being the crazy I am, I thought I might like to try as well. It also might've been influenced by the fact that The Bucket List was on TV recently.
You can get a good feel for the project here at Day Zero Project.
Pretty much it is a short term bucket list. So instead of saying borderline annoying things like "Marry the man of my dreams and have the perfect wedding and have 3 kids and live happily ever after," or "Visit all 7 wonders of the world 7 times." You instead write ones that are 1) possible and 2) attainable in the next 1001 Days.
Goals and deadlines, bring it on!
Lately I feel like I am wasting away in the "island paradise" and it's killing me, so I am excited to start this now. I spent a good two-ish weeks thinking and pondering the list. I came up with good ones, some great ones, and some awesome ones that I forgot before I wrote them down. I included some I can do in Grenada some I HAVE to do in the U.S. and some I can do anywhere. I included ones I can do on my own and I have to do with others.
Also, I don't know but I think this song is my theme for the next year.
But without further adieu:
Kristen's 101 Things in 1001 Days
{Effective November 14th, 2013}
1) See a play in the round at the Glendale theater
2) See a live taping of a talk show
3) Visit another country
4) Visit the my nation's capital
5) Finish a crochet project
6) Have a black and white movie marathon
7) Be positive every day for a week
8) Complete Jillian Michael's 30s Day Shred
9) Throw out/Give away/sell/donate 101 THINGS. (0/101)
10) Re-do honeymoon since the first one was Hell
11) Make fresh ricotta
12) Do a month photo challenge
13) Blog every day for two weeks
14) Write and mail 50 letters
15) Make a smashbook
16) Start an Etsy store
17) Hand-make something I am proud of and give it to someone
18) Make a restaurant passport book
19) Buy a colored pea coat
20) Give spare change to 25 people
21) Make 15 new crockpot meals/ things
22) Take a photo of myself every day for a month
23) Bake something and give it ALL AWAY
24) Do "50 questions that will free your mind."
25) Don't complain about anything for a week
26) Make a quilt
27) Ask twenty people to suggest one book and read them all
28) Read 5 classics
29) Watch all the movies that won Best Picture the last 10 years
30) Get adventure scuba certified
31) Write a letter to open after the 1001 days are over
32) Register and run a race
33) Memorize 3 hymns in Spanish
34) Shoot a legit gun
35) Go fishing (ambitious enough to include "Catch a fish?" - no).
36) Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
37) Perfect a song on the ukelele and record myself
38) Jump off a cliff
39) Pick fruit at a farm
40) Make fondue
41) Organize, plan, and throw a super legit party
42) Eat from 3 different food trucks
43) Go for a jog every day for a month
44) Write an online review for 10 products
45) Go to 10 Triple Ds.
46) Go river tubing
47) Buy something at a farmer's market
48) Buy and rock something vintage
49) Save for an expensive article of clothing that I really want and purchase!
50) Make and blog about 10 dishes/ foods I have made
51) Make and blog about 10 crafts/projects I have made
52) Make and blog about 20 quotes that I like
53) Prepare a whole chicken without help
54) Eat at ruth's chris steak house
55) Learn how to make pomegrante ice cream and re-creat the molten lava cake with pomegrante ice cream I had at the Tree Room
56) Save up for that awesome idea I have for my parents
57) Make 5 different tiered cakes
58) Make a rainbow cake
59) Do sidewalk chalk
60) Do a color run
61) Take a photo from an aircraft
62) Join a community club like book club or something
63) Go geo-caching
64) Just get up and go!
65) Make a floral arrangement I am proud of and give it to someone
66) Take a class at a local craft store or something
67) Make Grandma B's Bread
68) Hike the Y
69) Take beautiful photographs print them nice, and hang them up
70) Visit grandma and grandpa's grave
71) Slurpees from several 7/11s in one day
72) Buy flowers for my mom just because
73) Tye-dye sheets
74) Make a pie on pi day
75) Buy myself a men's shirt so I am less likely to take Ross's
76) Go to Jerry's Soda Shop
77) Hike up to the Hollywood sign
78) See something built by Frank Lloyd Wright
79) Go to a CA mission with Ross, to finally educate him
80) Use Wilton Candy Melts
81) Do 5 things that scare me
82) Try 15 different kinds of rootbeer
83) Carry out the Great Pizza tour
84) Sign up for and do postcrossing
85) Buy sanuk flops or make them
86) Leave 50 random inspirational messages in random places
87) Take a free online class
88) Facebook fast for a week
89) Go camping
90) Go to a county fair and eat something I have never tried
91) Make something all by myself in the dutch overn
92) Send 5 secrets to Postsecret
93) Write down 100 things that make me happy
94) Be at the beach on Christmas
95) Take a picture for every letter of the alphabet
96) Donate 10 books to The Last Bookstore
97) Pay for someone else's food at the drive thru
98) Eat at Ruby's at the end of the Manhattan pier.
100) Learn 100 flags of the world
101) Get a pet
Looks like an awesome list, Kristen! I felt overwhelmed looking at it, though...I don't think I can do it:)
ReplyDeleteThat's just the thing! You CAN do it. You are a fun, free spirit, you should make a list! 1001 days is a long time.
Deleteomg! I never had even heard of geo caching until it was on Switched at Birth. Do you like how I learn most things from TV shows? I ned a life. How do you find out about it? I'm in love with the idea! You'll have to go beaching it up this year on Christmas! :) We went last year between the raindrops. haha. It was interesting, for sure!
ReplyDeleteI think this is a really fantastic list! :) We'll have to keep each other on track, girl! :)
and you're the awesome one! I'm so happy we have each other!
ReplyDeleteFavorite one is "Go to a CA mission to educate Ross" lol
ReplyDeleteYou know it Brigette. No one believes me that we had to build a mission and do a mission report in 4th grade. It just confuses them! That's state history folks!
ReplyDeleteLove Day Zero.Project! I'm so happy you're doing it! And I love your list. I may have to steal some for my second list. :-)
ReplyDeleteLove Day Zero.Project! I'm so happy you're doing it! And I love your list. I may have to steal some for my second list. :-)