And when I get carried away thinking about being able to have nice things, I think of this song:
If I Had a Million Dollars by Barenaked Ladies
In junior high and high school I had two main musical group squeezes. One of those was Barenaked Ladies. Probably because it was loved by my parents and older brother, the music was much more accessible. I specifically remember this song being on one of my brother's famous mixes, and I would listen to it over and over.
Being a song from the band Barenaked Ladies, you would expect that it is a bit silly. Here are some of my favorite bits:
Well, I'd buy you a house/ I would buy you a house. And if I had a million dollars/ If I had a million dollars. I'd buy you furniture for your house. Maybe a nice Chesterfield or an ottoman.The other day when I was cleaning the apartment I took a step back and looked at our funny furniture. Our dinning room table is a card table borrowed from my grandparents, our couch is an ugly floral number that was free, and we have about four $10 ottomans we got when we were first married (our first "couch") that we can use as fancy extra seating. It's not much, and I don't mind. But I do find myself laughing when all my friends are buying nice big homes, and I'm dreaming of a day I can own my own card table dinning room table set.
There is another part about building a tree fort and having a tiny fridge in the fort.
We could just go up there and hang out/ like open the fridge and stuff. And there'd all be foods laid out for us/ like little pre-wrapped sausages and things.Maybe this is my junior high self talking but if I had even a thousand dollars (might need a yard though) I would build a tree fort with a mini fridge because that is just plain awesome.
In Ross's first year of medical school I distinctly remember a friend asking me what I think we will do with our money when we have it. What "kind of family will you be?" This caught me a little off-guard. And she explained further, "Like will you be a boating family? or...?" And it clicked. Like what will your family hobby be!
And ever since I have kind of thought about that... when you have money... what will you do with your money?
I like that idea.
Here is my list of "big ticket" items that I want when I make it big.
1) A few weeks ago I was thinking about how we will be moving this summer (again, I know). And I was almost brought to tears thinking of how an apartment with a washer and a dryer IN THE UNIT might be in my foreseeable future. And by foreseeable future I mean in the next 5 years.
2) This is where things get really crazy. I want my own car. Not any car. But this baby.
But I would also settle for any of these. The orange corvette is actually for Ross.

3) Unlimited data. I know, I like to live life on the edge -or rather, I don't. Can you imagine never again having to screen capture a thousands different versions of your google maps directions in order to get somewhere?!
When I get rich, I will do exactly that ^ in my tree fort, while streaming something on my phone, with clothes in my own rented washer and dryer, while looking down at my own car.
...And I will listen to this song.
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