Friday, July 3, 2015

Chocolate Chip Cookie Cream Cheese Bars

I have sometimes involved cooking posts on this blog. Because I am a human, and I need food. Also, because I love food. This often leads me to prepare food for myself. And when I feel the situation warrants, I post about the experience.

A lot of my cooking is from scratch because it's cheaper. Not because I am Holly Housewife and I love making the kitchen a huge mess for something that is gobbled up in 5 minutes.

But sometimes it is cheaper to NOT cook from scratch. I enjoy those times. When I found these tubes (yay 2015 and tubes of food!) of cookie dough for less than a buck, it was hard to resist.

I remembered some chocolate-chip-cookie-cream-cheese bar somethings rolling across my Pinterest feed awhile back. Of course I had scoffed, "PPFFFTTT WHO JUST HAS MONEY FOR PRE-MADE COOKIE DOUGH!" and hence not re-pinned.

I guess I couldn't fathom the day I would be this rich! Here it is folks, two bucks burning a hole in my pocket.

I found pretty much the same recipe across the internet, using this one but doubling it (TWO TUBES of dough succkkkas!), and adding vanilla cos I do what I want. Some people cook with wine (you know what I mean), I cook with music. Sublime with Rome has a new album coming out but all we get for now is this single. I could listen to the first 30 seconds of that song on repeat all day.

I know because I did.

And can we please find another name for this dessert?

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