Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Almost Normal

Despite small frustrations at my job, I have found myself pretty content lately. For about two weeks straight I was able to have a meal plan and actually make dinner. My grocery list was in order, and the house was pretty clean. And I had some pretty decent leftovers that were ready to go for my lunch the next day (pretty much the only thing I ask for in life anymore). One time he even came and picked me up to take me out for lunch.

I can come home from work and relax, watch some TV with this cool guy who I keep finding hanging around my house, then go to bed at a regular and happily early time.

What. Is. Going. On.

Ross is in his OB/GYN rotation. And it has been absolute heaven. Many days we leave the house together, and then come home at the same time. You know, like an 8-5 job. Once or twice a week he will have a Labor and Delivery shift or a night shift, which are early and long. But for the most part he is in at 8am and out before 5pm. Oh, and he mostly has the weekends off too.

We even headed down to my parents this weekend. Having a birthday party for my 80 year old grandpa.

Noming during the Super Bowl.

And working on some projects.

Finished product for our Lego minifigures:

I never thought normal could be so happy. But I love it. In a make-believe world neither of us would work or be in school, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt would disappear, and we could ride our unicorns into the sunset to travel the world.

But for now I will take normal.

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