Saturday, April 27, 2013

Crochet Project

Previously I posted about a sewing disaster *ahem* adventure I embarked on.

Next on the docket was a crochet project. Lucky for me YouTube has lots of crochet videos that simplify the hobby. I'm not coordinated enough for knitting, but crocheting is just typing a bunch of knots in yarn so how could I go wrong right?

Armed with a crochet hook and colorful yarn I brought back from the States, I embarked. It is by far the longest (pun intended) and lengthiest crochet project I have finished. "Finished" being the operative word here. Ask my mom and yarn stash about my track record with finished projects.

But without further ado, pictures!

The nice thing about living in a world where Arts & Crafts are a lost art is, you don't have to do much to impress people. I am totally okay with that!

Here is the one side, where you kind of have ridges around the borders of the squares.

Here is the other side that looks a little smoother.

Here you can get the full effect!

Tada! It is supposed to match the bed sheets and curtains I have in the room. The colors aren't exact but these also weren't exactly purchased and Bed Bath and Beyond or Norstroms or anything. Haha.


  1. It looks amazing, Kristen! I'm completely impressed! You put a lot of effort into it, you should take credit where credit is due!

  2. Don't you have one? The bread you made was small muffins?

    I have one in storage at home. Not here. I bake everything in a 9x9 baking dish, and a large pot. You read that right- I use a cooking pot for baking. It works like a round baking pan. It's perfect. Haha. And saves me from having to clean the baking dish and bake the cake/bread twice. Haha. Fun, huh? :) I can't wait to go home and get a couple of stuffs. It will make life so much nicer.

  3. Grenada or NOT, I'm impressed. Great work!
