"Faith in something greater than ourselves enables us to do what we have said we'll do, to press forward when we are tired or hurt or afraid, to keep going when the challenge seems overwhelming and the course is entirely uncertain." -Gordon B. HinckleyThe first time I read through this kind of quickly but loved it. The second time I felt like I transcribed it wrong and I missed a line at the end. Realizing that I didn't made me love it more. Because there is no "happy ending" to conclude it with. Sometimes pressing forward or having that faith in something greater than ourselves is sufficient. It is the reward.
In a certain sense, I mean that in a very real and literal way. I believe in a Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They are both greater than I am. In another sense, when I have faith in something greater, it could be a cause. Small or large. And that is what I am talking about today. I am talking about the ability to look beyond the here and now, beyond the small nuisances that often are our biggest stumbling blocks.

When I read this quote it tugs at my heart strings in so many ways. The imagery and connotation-packed words really hit me. I think of times in my life when I have been truly desperate. Times when I was sure I couldn't make it. In that moment I felt even at rock-bottom, there was no where to go but down. And then I think of this quote and it wraps around me like a warm blanket. Telling me that even though there will be more of those times, I have it in me to press forward.

I like the last few words best of all, "... course is entirely uncertain." So many times in life we think if only we could see a little farther in the future, be a little more certain of things, we would be set. But looking back, honestly I wouldn't want anyone to tell me the trials that were to come. I don't think we are ever able to brace ourselves enough for impact. Uncertainty is always what throws us for a loop, but oddly should be a blessing.
What do you think "faith in something greater than ourselves" means in your life, at this time?
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