Citrus Plaza is the big shopping center very close to us and it happens to have a Coldstone. Ross and I had a gift card so we got some ice cream since, although it's September, it is still brutally hot.
I love this creepy fountain. Best way to see kids -when they aren't being obnoxious. Kidding.
One weekend Ross and I planted some flowers. Although we don't have an actual yard to plant in, a balcony will do. I love our little patio. It's my happy place. We will see how long before I kill everything.
This is an incredibly boring picture, but an accurate portrayal of life in our home.
Ross studies while I watch tv/ apply to jobs/ don't apply to jobs. Oh! We also finally got a TV. We were borrowing one from my dad, but we found an awesome deal and couldn't pass it up. It's nice to have a big TV, even if we don't have cable. Haha.
We found our local comic shop, which has been bad for the bank and great for fun. New comics come out on Wednesdays and if Ross is free we like to take a walk and get the new comics.

Also close by, which I can't remember if I have mentioned, is the Thursday night Farmer's Market.

What is great about the Farmer's Market is that the produce is actually affordable and you can get some really great deals. Back in Grenada everyone would post pictures of their market trip hauls and what a great deal it was. So now it is my turn to post my American market haul full of $1 zucchini and grapes and strawberries. Eat your heart out Grenada.
Lately, I have been doing my nails a lot. I was pretty proud that my pumpkin/ fall nails matched my pumpkin cheesecake ice cream.

I made the pictures small because I am slightly ashamed of my vanity, but not so much so that I would leave it out altogether.
Redlands has a ton of antique, consignment, and thrift stores. Maybe it is all the old people here, there must really be a market for it. It's fun to get out of the house and roam the stores. Sometimes we find really great deals, like the two pieces of furniture on the right.
Other times we just people watch, like this guy who was pretty serious about finding authentic art pieces. And maybe next time we will venture into the "Stretchy Pants" section.
Also, lately, I finally got off my butt and got crafty with the millions of pounds of Grenada I brought back with me, meaning sand and shells and sea glass.
I really like the way it turned out. It is simple but makes a classy decoration for a table or bookcase.
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