It was so wonderful to see them and know that they were all mine for almost a whole week. We hung out at my place while I rounded up some dinner and they gave me and Ross tons of goodies. It's pretty fun to be so spoiled. I think my absolute favorite was two WHOLE boxes of Samoa Girl Scout cookies.
Oh happiness!
I hope they weren't too nervous zooming around the awful roads, on the left side of the road, when it was completely dark out, but we got them situated in their hotel room and let them get some rest before our adventure packed week began.
My parents landed a pretty incredible hotel, thanks to their crazy clever travel agent. This HUGE staircase to their room really put the "grand" in "Grand Anse Beach Palace Hotel." The whole week we had fun joking about how grand it was
Sunday we met them at the hotel, which is just a stone's throw from the church building. We had a fun adventure and walked to church in the morning. We ooooo'd and ahhh'd at the beautiful view, but my parents are a little spoiled because they have almost the same exact view from their hotel room. Lucky ducks.

I've mentioned it before, but Grand Etang is one of my favorite places on the island. It was fun to steal Ross away to chauffeur us up there.
The lady at the ticket booth gave me some attitude when I politely asked if we could get in for free because Ross was a student.
"No. Today, you pay."
I took my parents aside and told them it wasn't worth it to look at their crusty "museum." So we said never mind thank you very much. Then the lady got more attitude and was like "whatever, you are here, just go in."
Yes we will thanks. Typical.
My parents landed a pretty incredible hotel, thanks to their crazy clever travel agent. This HUGE staircase to their room really put the "grand" in "Grand Anse Beach Palace Hotel." The whole week we had fun joking about how grand it was
Sunday we met them at the hotel, which is just a stone's throw from the church building. We had a fun adventure and walked to church in the morning. We ooooo'd and ahhh'd at the beautiful view, but my parents are a little spoiled because they have almost the same exact view from their hotel room. Lucky ducks.
With these two, I was bound to have incredible looks. |
After Church we made some lunch then headed up into the jungle. But not before dad and ali dipped their toes in the Caribbean Sea for the first time (just like Rissa, had to get photo evidence)!

I've mentioned it before, but Grand Etang is one of my favorite places on the island. It was fun to steal Ross away to chauffeur us up there.
The lady at the ticket booth gave me some attitude when I politely asked if we could get in for free because Ross was a student.
"No. Today, you pay."
I took my parents aside and told them it wasn't worth it to look at their crusty "museum." So we said never mind thank you very much. Then the lady got more attitude and was like "whatever, you are here, just go in."
Yes we will thanks. Typical.
So we spent two minutes looking at their crusty posters, spending a minute taking the perfect selfie for #selfiesunday. Oddly making it's debut here on a Tuesday #betterlatethannever.

Then we took a purposeful NEAT-ure walk. I love that we drove up from the west coast, but here is a view of the east coast.
It's been a bit windy lately, and on our walk we heard the bamboo clinking together like wind chimes. I tried to capture it.
After we gracious thanked the lady at the ticket booth with many smiles and kind words and headed to the lake to try our hand at, well, hand fishing. Thanks to my cool friend CeCe. I've kinda become obsessed with teaching others about hand fishing.
No fish catches today. I would day I am a horrible teacher... but instead I will say I take great selfies and my students aren't very serious. I mean, just look at these students.
My dad was absolutely thrilled to put his feet in and have the millions of fish chew off his dead skin. No joke, this was a bucket list. What a lucky guy that he didn't have to make a separate trip to Asia.

Ross and dad had a fun time poking around at the crabs. Getting some awesome neat-ure shots. Classic dad. We ended the day at my apartment. I probably made something for dinner. But I am pretty sure it involved snow-cones.
It was a full and fun day. As you can tell from my dad's dramatic face, it was pretty hot.
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