In the morning I dropped off some goods at the SO Bake Sale. All the proceeds go to the Limes after-school program that the SOs run for the kiddos.
Then I helped bake some sugar cookies and cut out bats for the Fall Fest that evening. CeCe and Patty are the Family Co-ordinators and you could tell that they worked really hard to put it all together for the student families. It turned out great and everyone had a lot of fun.
John and Patty making a balloon pumpkin |
The chandeliers give a nice creepy Halloween feel |
Patty made the awesome haunted houses & about 500,00 bats |
I have learned in life that free events mainly attract two types of people 1) poor college kids, 2) families. I swear the families and kids came out of the woodwork for Fall Fest. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame them, it was an awesome event. The kids went trick-or-treating around campus and got candy then they came back and had fun going to a bunch of different booths like face painting and sugar cookie decorating all while munching on Halloween-themed treats!
CeCe, John and I did the fishing booth and couldn't stop laughing because the "curtain" was too short so the kids would just stare over at us as we clipped their prize to the fishing line. John tried to keep the kids back by telling them that if they got too close they would "scare the fish away," pretty clever John! But I think CeCe and I laughing so hard scared away the kids (thanks for taking these pics John!).
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My classic crepper shot! |
Later that night Ross was studying pretty late but we took some time to stuff our faces full of sugar I had bought earlier at the bake sale/made/inherited from Fall Fest.
Nicole made the "q-tips with earwax" eww! :) |
My favorite was the Frankenstein pudding w/oreos cup Patty made for the bake sale |
Since I couldn't find apple cider I warmed up some apple juice and threw some spices in. Ross decided to drink it out of a cinnamon stick.
I got intense as I was frosting my cookie |
And we watched Nightmare Before Christmas, classic.
Hahahaha...I started laughing when I read about the fishing hole sheet dilemma. Anytime I am in charge of doing a fishing hole booth from now on I am definitely hanging the sheet too low was unbelievable hilarious!!!!