We're here and thank everything that is holy that we are.
Part of 5th term includes the students doing hospital visits. From what I gather this means they bus the students to a local hospital and they sit around sweaty while they watch the doctor do something. Sometimes the students are more involved than others, it just kind of depends.
Since today was Ross's first hospital visit (a weekly occurrence) I had to take a little picy-pic.
I never knew how absolutely wonderful it would feel to be in 5th term (well.... for ROSS to be in 5th term). Ross's study partner says that every time he sees me I have this ridiculously huge smile on my face. The happiness of a temporary light at the end of the tunnel is oozzing out of every pore of my being!
4 months left in Grenada
< 1 month Ross will submit his requests for where he wants to do clinical rotations
< 6 months Ross will take the USMLE. THE MOST important exam of his entire life.
6 months-ish and we will be in our new location
7 months ish he will be starting his 3rd year of medical school and "studying" in a real live hospital (oh yeah, that's why we started this journey!)