This is me most Sundays, and a lot of days in general.
I'm sure everyone knows by now that I love to eat.
But the nice thing is that since I am on such a tight budget, there aren't many snacks lying around.
However, since I moved to Grenada and traded in my Kitchen Aid for a tacky-too-large-for-its-shallowness bowl and a hand-me-down wooden spoon. And I am forcing myself to learn how to make bread. I figure I have to get my carbs in somehow.
Celebrity Death Match!
I started with breadsticks, because I had been successful with the recipe before. I use it for not only breadsticks but also pizza dough and this most amazing recipe for Stuffed Pizza Rolls. Probably my favorite recipe I've ever made of all time.
I also tried cinnamon rolls which are great because I freeze them and just always have some on hand. I may or may not have used them for dinner in lieu of actual food... maybe.
Today I made french bread, which was inspired by my good friend Amber because she makes french bread in this fancy "french bread pan." And she is pretty cool, and I want to be like her so I thought what a better way to hone my skills, be like Amber, fill my Sunday afternoon, and eat warm awesome carbs?? Exactly.
She not only let me use the pan but also let me use some cornmeal to prevent sticking and gave me the recipe she used, which is here.
Man, nothing says Sunday like warm bread straight out of the oven. But I always feel so empty and alone when warm bread doesn't have honey on it. :(
I decided that I MUST own one of those french bread pans. It has little holes in the bottom so the air can flow and cook the bread. Plus, it has those legit little perforations on the bottom like real french bread! I thought this pan might be one of those Williams-Sonoma sell your first born child things to obtain but lucky for me and my first born, you can find them pretty inexpensive! Leave it to Target!
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