Monday, October 12, 2015


Friday afternoon Ross picked me up from work. Exhausted, I was excited because I knew I had a 4-day weekend upon me! But then the most beautiful thing happened.


I think I choked. On my own breath. Maybe I zoned off into Lala Land of Impossibility. I don't know how long I was gone. But when I came to, I still didn't have many words. I tried to act cool.


So we set some plans, mostly centered around Ross's recent hot dog craving. I personally crave two kinds of hot dogs. 1. LA hot dogs and 2. Jdawgs.

When you need a hot dog. You need a hot dog. So I got that boy a hot dog.

But not before stopping in downtown LA first. I've been to the flower market, and I've been to to classier part of downtown, lots of parts of it. Even the Skid Row part of it. But I never spent time in the fashion/garment district area.

It's all a bit overwhelming. Bloggers love to tell you their tips and tricks for fabric steals. But take it with a grain of salt because I felt like I was being bulldozed by 1,000 huge rolls of fabric on every corner.

How you grab said fabric out of the center of these rows, I do not know. No one is getting through this exit for a while.

But it was fun just walking around amongst it all. I kinda felt like I needed to leave some bread crumbs somewhere but luckily everything in DTLA is a grid and pretty easy to navigate even if it all starts looking the same after awhile.

The area isn't just for fabric though. This one shop (well, more than one) was dedicated to trimmings, ribbons, chains, jewels, rhinestones- almost floor to ceiling.

We also checked out Moskatel's, a huge warehouse style Michaels. They had huge Halloween displays including a haunted swamp shack surrounded by bubbling smoking water.

Craft items as far as the eye can see! Including probably 100 different floral arrangement cards!

Santee Alley ain't what it used to be, but you gotta walk down it just for the experience. $3 leggings and shoes and knock-off Mac make-up galore.

This Yelp review of Santee Alley, "Now I know what it's like to be sober in Tijuana. Guess i can check that off the bucket list of stuff I never wanted to do." Bahaha.

Last minute before we split for some hot dogs, we found a knock-off perfume shop. I always get a kick out of knock-off names (see proof here). So I was having the time of my life browsing.


I almost had tears rolling down my cheeks. I'm currently obsessed with Juicy Coture's Viva La Juicy. I found a sufficient knock-off and for $5 snatched it right up. This is perfect for me cos then I get to try out the scent without full monetary and day-long-effervescence commitment.

On our way back we cut through the Flower Market which was closing, but still fun to catch a glimpse of the busy-ness from earlier that morning.

Next we rolled over to the aforementioned Pink's hot dogs. An LA necessity.

I once saw it on a list of overrated things in LA. I was personally offended on both moral and emotional levels. Then I promptly lost offensive by drowning myself in a hot dog smothered in all sorts of guacamole and nacho cheese. Pink's hot dogs are my spirit animal. Or maybe the bacon on top of those fries.

I've been wanting to explore Los Angeles's beach communities a little more. For as long as I've been going to beaches here, I don't have much variety. Today seemed the perfect day to visit Manhattan beach.

It's the middle of October but still really hot.

We walked out on the pier but mostly just wanted to jump into the waves.

So we did the next best thing and visited a cute little ice cream and candy shop. They had pretty tasty looking cupcakes but our eyes were on the homemade ice cream sandwiches.

They were divine. Why can't every day be a day off?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Senior Citizens' Guide to Punk Concerts

You're getting old. And that's okay. But someone needs to tell you things aren't working like they used to.

That's me. You're welcome. 

Although you are aging, that doesn't mean that you can no longer have fun. Let's say, you find a magical punk rock line-up in a venue about 20 minutes from your location. You should definitely go. But not without some advice. Remember, you're not the young gun you were at Warped Tour '97. 

Blue skies, dirt, and marijuana-heavy air, it's festival time!
  • What to wear. You may not fit your Reel Big Fish t shirt from high school but go ahead and squeeze into your record store shirt from college, if you'd like. Don't worry about what you wear. You're a punk. You do what you want. A little extra eyeliner won't hurt though. 
I realize I look about 16 in this selfie, but you should still listen to my advice
  • Take your meds. Your heart meds, your thyroid tablets, your allergy pills. Take an extra one of those cos you know there will be black boogers for days if you're anywhere near that circle pit. You're likely to get sore muscles from standing and rocking out. And a headache from the loud music. Extended release pain killers are your friend. 

  • Yeah you're a punk. But even punks gotta follow rules to get in to the venue. Read the FAQ and understand what you can take in. But know that you are never too old for slight of hand. If the caps need to be off your water bottles in order to be brought in, do it. But hide those caps because you can't afford to buy new bottles inside. You never actually grew up and got a real job so you gotta make the money from your desk job last. 
It's not punk without pot! Feel free to take the kiddos to the kiddie section with carnie games and over-sized inflatables. 
Or just throw them on your shoulders and rock out!
  • Sunscreen. You've probably already had a skin cancer scare by now so you know how important it is to take care. Sunscreen every hour, or two sets, depending on the sun strength. Don't forget your bald/ balding spot. Though you'll fare best with a hat. 
  • The nice thing about being old and fat is that you no long have to worry about the young guns taking you medium or small merch. Relax! Your XXXL shirts will still be there after the show. But be warned that kids these days are really getting in to vinyl so if you need records look out for those first. 

You're all sunscreen'd up, your chucks are remembering these bless'd days. You made it through security and you are here. Now: 

  • Know your limits. I'm sure you used to be a hardcore mosher. But you might want to consult with your physician before participating. But also rest assured there will always be someone younger, also probably someone fatter and drunker than you in the pit. You could probably split the difference and be just fine. Start with a light ska song like Fishbone. If you fall, there will always be a hand to pick you up, and a lot less 'bows than an Anti-Flag circle pit. Work your way up. 
Sweaty skaning tattos and hazy dirty circle pit air
  • Take breaks. Don't push it. No one here judges you.

Sunscreen in your eyes, filthy sweat. Are we having fun yet?!
  • So sit down and work your way into that shade the port-a-potties provide. You need it. Grab some TP from the the Less Than Jake show as it shoots out of a jimmy-rigged leaf blower. You never know when you might need some. 

  • Take pictures. With your recent changes in, um... memory recollection, it will help you remember all the fantastic bands you saw. 

Bouncing Souls, Goldfinger, Fishbone, Reel Big Fish, Less Than Jake!

  • But after a few, put that camera away and just ROCK OUT! -You've still got it! (sorta)

There was a time you could drag your semi dead half-wasted body home and be cool by 9am the next day. That day is no more. Throw on that ultra sick, newly pressed and re-released, $10-bin-find, favorite album (maybe ever), vinyl and just be cool. You made it. And it was way worth it.