Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blogging, Forward and Backward/ First Day of School!

So, this is really like the first post of the blog.

Ross's books are ... lost? late? destroyed? I'm not sure but the shipment the school ordered for the first term students is not here yet, which means he has needed the computer a lot to do all his homework and reading and studying.

I have a lot of stories to catch up on!

Also, and oddly enough, the really nice camera we got, takes such high quality photos that I need to re-work the settings so the pictures are a size that is upload-able.

Let's start with Ross's first day of school!

Monday, August 20th 2012

Classic "First Day of School" pic by our front door.


So he was off to school and later that night was his white coat ceremony! My friend Caitlin (next door neighbor, and her husband is 1st term too) headed over to campus at about 2:30pm. Yes, 2:30! To get in line to make sure we had a spot in the auditorium. We heard horror stories from other SOs (SO= Significant Other) about how they didn't get seats and they had to watch a crappy broadcast of it in another building. I'm not super big on ceremony stuff but I was determined to get a seat.
Caitlin and I felt super ridiculous wandering around campus all dressed up. An A.V. guy in the building was nice enough to bring us a chair and Caitlin and I sorta hung around until more people started showing up. Then we waited in line more.
It was kinda touch and go for a little bit, we were worried we might get mauled by some crazy moms who flew half way around the world to see their child put on a coat. But we stood our ground and got seats! The auditorium was relatively small, especially considering the estimates for students is Ross's class have been around
720 students!

There definitely wasn't space for all the parents and SOs and family members that wanted to be in there. :( It was a nice ceremony and the Keynote speaker (Catherine DeAngelis, MD, MPH) was really funny and cracking jokes. She was really insightful too and gave much advice and words of wisdom.
My favorite quote was, "You cannot always cure but you can always care." She talked about how as a doctor you have an incredible duty to care for your patients and not be bought off, particularly by pharmaceutical companies. 

Then of course was the White Coat Ceremony!

Caitlin was nice enough to record the ceremony so you can all feel like you were there for... at least the important part!

After Caitlin and Sean and Ross and I headed over to the reception where they had hors de oeuvres (yeah I just wanted to use that word) that were really delicious. They had cajun chicken in mango salsa stuff, breadfruit balls, samosas, fresh fruit, tuna sandwiches, pizza, all sorts of food. And also drinks, water, local sodas and juices, and Fanta and Coke.
Looking much better than that morning! :)

It was a fun day overall! But maybe not so much for Ross when he pulled out all his anatomy packets that cover the lecture slides --for half of the term. More fun to come! 

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